the sensor or as far away as 26 feet, or the application calls for a specific sensor configuration, the SUPERPROX® Model SM se-ries of ultrasonic sensors offers a variety of proximity sensing solu-tions. There is the mounting con-venience of a 30 mm housing, sensing ranges of 1 m (39"), 2 m (79"), and a long-range 8 m (26'). Inductive Capacitive sensors; Photoelectric sensors. General purpose; General purpose laser; Forks frames; Application; Ultrasonic sensors; Pressure sensors. Pressure Sensors and Switches; NEMA Pressure switches; Safety sensors switches. Safety Interlock Switches; Safety switches for hazardous location; Safety rope pull switches; Safety Missing: hyde park. 8 series of long-range, ultrasonic, dual-level sensors. As indicated in the Model Reference Guide, these 30 mm sensors detect objects over a sensing range of just mm (8") to 8 m (26').The mm (") length of the cable model, a fraction of the size of other long-range.
the sensor or as far away as 26 feet, or the application calls for a specific sensor configuration, the SUPERPROX® Model SM se-ries of ultrasonic sensors offers a variety of proximity sensing solu-tions. There is the mounting con-venience of a 30 mm housing, sensing ranges of 1 m (39"), 2 m (79"), and a long-range 8 m (26'). EU RoHS Declaration Date Size; SMA Hyde Park, ultrasonic sensor cylindrical M30, Sn1m, 4 20 mA, M12 (pdf) 12/7/ kB: End of Life Information. these sensors have a sensing range of either 51 mm to 1 m (2 to 39") or mm to 2 m ( to 79"), at or within which the ana-log span limits and alarm set points (if selected) can be set. Introduction Hyde Park’s SUPERPROX® sensors with analog output em-ploy the latest in piezoelectric, ultrasonic, and microprocessor technology to provide.
Product information: information. 10 សីហា Hyde Park. Sensor type. Ultrasonic sensor. Series name. Virtu VM1. Device short name. VM1. Sensor design. Flat form + cylindrical M NEW HYDE PARK SUPERPROX ULTRASONIC ANALOG SENSOR VDC PN# SMALE NEW 5MHz 8mm Probe Transducer Sensor for Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge Meter.