Hysitron TI TriboIndenter Accelerate Nanomechanical Research to the Next Level Bruker’s Hysitron TI TriboIndenter® operates at the intersection of maximum performance, flexibility, reliability, usability, and speed. It builds upon decades of Hysitron® technological innovation to deliver new levels of extraordinary performance. Nanoindenter (Hysitron TI) Sample preparation 1. Attach your sample to an AFM stainless steel disc with an adhesive. 2. Make sure the attached sample surface is completely horizontal. Mounting samples on the stage 1. Place the Al disc and your sample on the dot (magnetic) on the sample stage. 2. Samples should be spaced at least 3 cm apart. The TI TriboIndenter is the next generation nanomechanical test instrument providing industry leading sensitivity and unprecedented performance. The TI has been developed as an automated, high throughput instrument to support the numerous nanomechanical characterization techniques developed by Hysitron.
The instructions included in this manual is for work performed on the Hysitron TI Model Nanoindenter. Below is a description of each of the main components of the nanoindenter setup. a. Tip The most commonly used tip in nanoindentation setups, and the tip used in this system, is a diamond Berkovich tip which has a three-sided pyramidal shape. The upgrade with Hysitron new performech TM system will allow operating the Hysitron Triboindenter with unparalleled performance and accuracy at length scales that never have been achieved before. The fully automated and user friendly performech TM offers a < 30 nN normal floor noise and the ability to capture data at acquisition rates up to Hysitron TI Close up. The Hysitron TI is an automated and high throughput nanomechanical characterization instrument. The patented capacitive transducer technology provides superior measurement sensitivity, accuracy, and reliability during the nanoindentation process.
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