HandPunch / Installation Manual Versatile and Programmable Beyond a simple time clock, the HandPunch (HP) provides definable function keys that allow data collection when employees punch. The systems transmit data to the time and attendance host PC through a variety of options. When you want to cut time. There are several HandPunch terminal models, which are dependent on the features you require. Basically, determination of your model is based on the following. HandPunch Collects in and out times, with optional department entries. It communicates with host PC via serial (50’ max.) or modem. HandPunch Collects in andFile Size: KB. HandPunch / Installation Manual Versatile and Programmable Beyond a simple time clock, the HandPunch (HP) provides definable function keys that allow data collection when employees punch. The systems transmit data to the time and attendance host PC through a variety of options. When you want to cut time and.
The HandPunch terminal brings the accuracy and convenience of biometric technology easily within reach of most time and attendance applications. In operations that range from coal mines to clean rooms. The HandPunch terminals have proven themselves to be a practical and precise solution. They use field-proven hand geometry biometric technology. HandPunch® verifies employees' identities in less than one second, based on the unique size and shape of their hands. HandPunch clearly notifies each user of a match using red and green indicator lights. Because no one can punch in or out for your employees, the system reduces time theft and improves payroll accuracy. Hand Geometry Unit Technical Manual ATR Systems, Inc. • Tel • Fax • info@www.doorway.ru • www.doorway.ru
HandPunch · HandPunch · HandPunch · HandPunch · Compare HandPunch Models. Testimonials. The Midex software eliminates confrontations. HandPunch - lea el manual de usuario en línea o descargue en formato PDF. Total de 27 página. www.doorway.ru: Schlage Biometric Hand Punch HP TCP/IP (Ethernet) Employee Not compatible with the following software products: Infotronics, Jantek.