· Perhaps you Spanish speaking folks should collaborate to create a good Spanish manual on the wiki, a translation for the AdminUI, and fix the problems with the CustomerUI. PS I don't speak Spanish. I'm only answering here because the last time someone spoke Spanish that thread rapidly degenerated into insult about the dialect being spoken. · A2Billing v Install Guide. This guide will show how to install A2Billing v on CentOS v7. It is assumed you already have Linux and Asterisk and Freepbx installed using a procedure similar to this one. It is also assumed you have compiled asterisk realtime driver module (res_config_mysql) by selecting it in asterisk menuselect before. · copy www.doorway.ru in /var/a2billing_install/trunk to /etc/www.doorway.ru Edit www.doorway.ru to suit your installation. e.g. change dbtype to mysql.
Perhaps you Spanish speaking folks should collaborate to create a good Spanish manual on the wiki, a translation for the AdminUI, and fix the problems with the CustomerUI. PS I don't speak Spanish. I'm only answering here because the last time someone spoke Spanish that thread rapidly degenerated into insult about the dialect being spoken. Manual Psymbianx. IyCnet NT FX Profibus DP Libro-A2Billing-Version Series 16 Channel Hardware Quick Start Guide Espa Ol. Cargado. Manual en español de instalación y configuración de a2billing y asterisk, y todo lo relacionado con el universo VoIP.
21 ທ.ວ. Manual en español de instalación y configuración de a2billing y asterisk, y todo lo relacionado con el universo VoIP. 23 ມິ.ຖ. Con este comando descargamos A2billing directo de la pagina de A2billing de para configurar tu Servidor Web Apache en español. 21 ທ.ວ. Excelente tu manual, pero tengo una pregunta por que el panel de admin no esta en español? Me gustaMe gusta. Responder.