Bovie AARON Service Manual. Download Service manual of Bovie Aaron Medical Equipment for Free or View it Online on Brand: Bovie. Category Bovie Aaron User Manual Operation user’s manual (52 pages) Cocoon CWS Operator's Manual Operator's manual (21 pages) Cardinal Health. This manual and the equipment it describes are for use only by qualified medical professionals trained in the particu-lar technique and surgical procedure to be performed. It is intended as a guide for using the Aaron ™ only. Additional technical information is available in the Aaron ™ Service Guide. Equipment Covered in this Manual. Bovie Aaron Features. The first High-Frequency Desiccator with Cut. One half of the unit is a high-frequency desiccator, The other half is a Bovie Generator, giving 60 watts of cutting power and coag capabilities – plenty of power for LLETZ/LEEP or most any cutting procedure performed in the doctor’s Bovie Aaron.
The Aaron is designed and engineered to be the most reliable and durable generator available today. The unit’s life is prolonged by incorporating the latest in chip technology and reducing the number of internal parts, thereby generating less internal heat. Unit cleanup is simplified by its non-absorbing, nonstaining, high-impact ABS. This manual and the equipment it describes are for use only by qualified medical professionals trained in the particu-lar technique and surgical procedure to be performed. It is intended as a guide for using the Aaron ™ only. Additional technical information is available in the Aaron ™ Service Guide. Equipment Covered in this Manual. Bovie Aaron Features. The first High-Frequency Desiccator with Cut. One half of the unit is a high-frequency desiccator, The other half is a Bovie Generator, giving 60 watts of cutting power and coag capabilities – plenty of power for LLETZ/LEEP or most any cutting procedure performed in the doctor’s office.
denyo DCA series generator instruction manual. You can. view information or download this. Denyo super silent generator 10kva powered by Japan Yanmar,US $ bovie aaron electrosurgical unit featuring five, aaron bovie desiccator brochure manualzz com, aaron service manual divinemettacine. El generador de Aaron tiene una potencia de 60 vatios para corte, mezcla y coagulación. Además, es ideal para procedimientos LLETZ/LEEP.