· Efficient Deck Hand (EDH) is the qualifying examination for an Able Seafarer Deck certificate. You must be at least 17 years of age to qualify. The following certification and experience will permit entry on to the EDH course and examination: Persons attending this course MUST have completed 1 of the following: . Aim of this Course. • To reach the minimum standards of competence as set by S.L • Competent to participate effectively in coordinated schemes of shipboard organisation and operations. • Understanding of pilot ladders, means of access, cargo work, safety, seamanship techniques, and ropework. Rope types and construction, knots, bends and hitches, rigging a bosun’s chair and stage, rope and wire splicing, whipping and seizing, parcelling, and serving. At the end of your training you should have the knowledge to: Perform in a safe working environment on board ship. Perform a range of seamanship tasks effectively.
Efficient Deck Hand (EDH) is the qualifying examination for an Able Seafarer Deck certificate. You must be at least 17 years of age to qualify. The following certification and experience will permit entry on to the EDH course and examination: Persons attending this course MUST have completed 1 of the following: . Efficient Deck Hand. The objectives of the course are to give all persons who meet the entry requirements the necessary skills and knowledge to be able to safely carry out the duties expected of an efficient deck hand on board merchant ships. You must have one of the following to gain entry to the course (MSN 9M)). The Efficient Deck-Hand. £ It contains easily assimilated information on elementary ship construction,compasses, steering, anchors, fire fighting, rope work and knots, splicing multi-plat and wire ropes, lifting tackle, MacGregor hatches, hazardous cargoes and routine maintenance. ISBN:
The efficient deck hand by C. H. Wright, , Brown, Son Ferguson edition, in English - 4th ed. We don't have this book yet. 16 sept The Deckhand's Manual has been the standard orientation and their best deckhands as trainers with this cost effective in-house course. Every candidate for a certificate of qualification as an Efficient Deck Hand such as discharge book, international passport, national identity card etc.